And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Front door flower tub!

Hello guys hope your all ok, my tummy is bad my diverticulitis is playing up :( so front door blip it was. Thanks to my husband for cooking me a Restaurant style meal, we had chicken and pork in a red wine jeu, new pots, Vichy carrots, braised celery, peas, followed by treacle and ginger pud and custard mm mmm! Me and Dave had an appointment about are tribunal it went ok its just a waiting game now! its very very stressful. I went to see my friend Linda today we had a good chat and and we had a lovely lunch, then I went to see how my dads doing, hes better than other day :) Then I went to bed for 2hours and woke up freezing cold im warmed up though now :) Danny had a maths exam at college today I do hope he did well. hope you all have a lovely evening,

love c xxx

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