Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


This morning I woke up really sick.. But no worries. I have gone to the toilet many times, so feeling a little bit empty but also better. I have drunk a lot of water and tried to eat a few things (including chips, as my mother-in-law told me to). I am so glad that I have a supply of foods/cookies/drinks at home. Kaho thought it was a lot, last time we went to the supermarket, but I am glad because now I didn't have to leave the house.

So I stayed in today. Watched some things on my laptop while lying in bed. Read a book while lying in bed. Writing while lying in bed. And sleeping. All of this when I was not sitting on the toilet of course.
I feel a little bit better know and Kaho is going to get me dinner, which is so sweet of her.
Also my TN-manager call me today. Probably there is going to be some change in my workschedule, but you will notice this later.

Today is also the birthday of my sister-in-law, who is Chinese herself (and part of the reason I wanted to go to China specifically). So to her I would like to say: ????

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