
We woke to lots of hail, which quickly turned into snow. I do enjoy the moments, yet brief, of snowy weather. The drive was interesting, as people 'round these parts know not how to drive in this kind of weather. People sliding and skidding all about.

My youngest is already feeling better. His energy and appetite are making their way back, and he's reported that Clifford the Big Red Dog has finally crawled out of his ear.

The sky was all sorts of pretty this evening, so I stopped by the dock on my way home. The tide was far enough out for me to get so close to the end. A fairly intoxicated woman came traipsing by me shouting something like "...don't go down there!! ...the bay is dangerous right now!!!" I'm home safe and sound now, so I guess she was wrong.

So I didn't really snap any shots of the snow, because it was gone before I knew it.

P.S. Sure wish we were where we were 2 years ago. It feels like we left our hearts there sometimes.

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