All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Baa baa orange car have you any fuel?

I had a really frustrating day workwise today. Was working from home again due to the painter still being here, which was great, but had huge system problems which had me tearing my hair out. Got there in the end but am sure I have a few extra grey hairs now.

Before bathtime, Ethan was playing with his "orange car" - he loves to run it up and down our beautiful oak bed. Not sure that's such a good idea really but no damage found yet! He was singing "baa baa black sheep" at the same time - one of the latest additions to his singing choices (favourites are now "wheels on the bus", "twinkle twinkle little star", "jingle bells","row, row, row the boat" and "baa baa black sheep")!

At the last minute, just before putting Ethan to bed this evening, we decided to take the side off his cot to convert it to a cot bed. Had no idea how this would go down with Ethan. After snuggling up in our bed and reading bedtime stories, I took him through to his room to put him to bed .... hubbie and I then sat on the landing and waited. Sixty seconds later his bedroom door opened and out he came! Took him straight back in and tucked him in again. Two minutes of crying and "mummy / daddy" followed and then... silence. When I checked 10 minutes later he was sound asleep! It remains to be seen what happens if he wakes during the night and what he'll do when he wakes in the morning!

I was very excited to get an e-mail this evening about the forthcoming In The Night Garden tour as Ethan is still mad about it. Not so excited when I realised the closest venue for us is Manchester. However, the dates conincide with when hubbie & I are on annual leave so I'm now trying to persuade him that's where we need to go for our holidays! How times change!

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