There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

My Office-Mate Snores . . . and Purrs

One day a week, I work from home. Here is a picture of my office-mate, Dexter the Tabby.

He's a pretty quiet fellow. He doesn't have a lot to say. Sometimes he snores. Other times he purrs.

Office morale is pretty good when he's present. He does have something of a soothing effect. In fact, in that way, he might be a bit of a bad influence in that he ZZZZZzzzzzzzz . . .

P.S. Sometimes almost all of him is hidden under the blanket, except for those pinkee toepads, which you saw in a prior blip:
Friday 13 January 2012: Dexter's Pinkee Toepads

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