A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Today has been a spreadsheet day. Nominally, I'm on holiday but the Meeting House accounts spreadsheet I've inherited is such a beast I've rewritten it. It's now a tenth of it's former size. Literally.

And no longer has macro's.

The break in the spreadsheetiness was accompanying J to his admission interview at a local college. In doing so we cycled past a newish part of Addenbrookes hospital which I rather like the design of, so I went back later.

The train is quite convenient - it masks the wooden barricade that jars against the hi-tech metal and glass - hopefully it's only part of the buildng works.

The cloud formation is just plain weird.

Rampant teenagers in the signalbox, E mollying, J homeworking. After a day like this I fancy a beer and a film with lots of explosions in it.

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