Every Cloud.....
Evening all,
........has a silver lining !!! ;0)
Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint - Don Marquis
...........a bit like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ;0)
For All Those Sqeamish....enjoy the song but continue at your own risk !
Tip For The Day : Whenst decorating do not allow children within the building !!! ;0)
Up to now, decorating has been relatively plain sailing......till the children ventured forth. As much as I appreciate their efforts......take a tip from me and DONT allow them in.
Yesterday Handsome Boy was helping to paint inside the walk in wardrobes....my Brother in Law fell on the stairs, landed on his arm and headed to casualty with a suspected broken arm....(only bruised!!).....today my Youngest daughter came to lend a hand whilst my B-in-law rests....I discover a nail head sticking out the floor with my bare foot !! This is NOT a good solution to removing hard skin from your feet ....TRUST ME !!!!! ;0)
The common denominator...........children ;0)
Just now I'm enjoying the fact that whoever arrives first tomorrow sees the bloody footprints and I might find them passed out .....!!!!!!! I know I know.......but I cant help myself !!!! ;0)
Have a great day !!! ;0)
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