Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Monday madness

I really struggled for a blip today. Its been one of those crazy-mad days where your feet don't seem to touch the ground.

Had to go into work today for an amended hours/return to work thing. Not long now til the madness of work&nursery begins. :-(

New windows tomorrow for the house so there have been lots of items moved to other sides of rooms. I'm just about set for the invasion of the not-in-the-slightest-fit window fitters who plan to invade my house bright and early in the morning.

Lots of horse items sorted out for the table-top sale tomorrow. Hopefully it'll all go or I shall be flooding my eBay account.

Brownies this evening (see last Monday if you're wandering why we're in a church) and I found a wall (in the kitchen) which just has lots of initials carved into it. Would these be from the original builders or just some graffiti? I wonder...

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