Dennis the Menace

Duncan driving the Fraserburgh Fire Engine, whilst the chap in charge holding the "DO NOT CLIMB" sign looks on. What a fantastic place the Museum of Fire is! We highly recommend it.

In fact, of course the lovely chap (a Fireman all his life and now retired into fire engine restoration) had removed the "DO NOT CLIMB" sign so that Duncan could climb up. I'm not sure who was more delighted - Duncan to have the privilege of the drivers seat, or the fireman with a young and enthusiastic audience.

What a fantastic day we had today. Starting off with a bit of time to kill before his Dental Hospital appointment, we got a friend a birthday present (via pretending to be considering to buy a Mac in John Lewis ;) and had some ruinously expensive hot chocolate/coffee in the Art Gallery Cafe. Then via the hilarious "Bum The Dog" statue in Princes Street Gardens to the hospital, where we were stupidly early. Ho-hum. A trip to the museum later, and Duncan has a daunting series of toothy treatments to "look forward to". Which didn't cheer us up.

What did cheer us up was going to the Botanic Gardens to visit the Pinhole Camera Festival and learn to take pictures with a coffee tin. Wonderful!

The plan for me to attend a meeting in the afternoon fell through after it all became a bit much for Dunc and we headed home, tired and content. What a wonderful day.

Lots more photos on Flickr.

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