Ina's Snippets

By ina

Eating ice cream!

"Knowing who you are is also knowing who you are not."

~ unknown, contributed by blipper oleG! Thanks :) ~


Gigi: Weekly Progress Report
Every Saturday since 14 June 2008 -
To be continued until she is 1 year old)

Gigi is now 16 weeks old. (3months,4 weeks)
Weight: 1,800kg
Weight gain this week: 150g
Length: Neck to tail, 25cm
Height: 18cm

Went to a small town, 40minutes away from us, to buy curtains today. They have a big fabric warehouse with everything from dress materials, curtains, towls and other accessories. They have a sale on, with between 50% and 80% off the regular price - the place was packed! We stood in line for well over an hour to pay :(

Got home at 19h00.

Hope to hang the curtains tomorrow, too tired now :)

Hope you have a super Sunday! Enjoy...


"It is nice to be important but is is more important to be nice."

~ unknown ~

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