Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Chair a la mode.

Not with ice cream! but 'in fashion'.

Basically that means it came from Ikea. Which doesn't mean it's in fashion just that so many people have this chair that it becomes fashionable through commonality.

I hate that place, I want one thing and one thing only. Doesn't the shop realise this? why do I have to walk through every possible conotation of every possible room and not actually be able to get the thing I want till I have walked at least a further mile to aisle 97 to find that the item I want is 20m up and requires at least 3 large men to carry. I then get it out side to find that the trollies can't leave the pavement and that I have to go and move my car (fighting the 4x4's and people carriers) to get to my stuff. How does anyone do this by themselves. Do they leave the £300 worth of stuff they have just bought and go and get their car?

This is almost as bad as having to go to the special till in the psudo-pub that only takes food orders and then finding out you didn't look at your table number. After which you have to collect your own cutlery and sauces.

I know I could just avoid these places but then I will have nothing to moan about while I sit in my Ikea chair as the sun breaks through the clouds on a Spring afternoon.


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