Yellow Admiral
While I was walking to the train this afternoon, this wee thing fluttered over and perched on the rock beside the footpath. It sat there obligingly for a time, while I shot off a bunch of photos.
I've realised I should probably figure out some way of keeping track of the apertures I use, since with this Pentax lens, the camera has no idea what to record in the exif. I think this might have been f/4, but I'm not really sure. I started out at f/2, but that wouldn't allow the whole moth to be in focus at once :-p so I closed it down a bit.
Click to enleptidopterenate.
My thanks to gen2, who identified this in the comments (I had referred to it as a moth).
- 0
- 0
- Panasonic DMC-G10
- 100
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