Toffee & Mega Millions

Short work day and now well I'm being lazy. For some reason I felt like eating some candy I had laying around (it's all for guests, I never touch it... really!) and now I'm really regretting it. Not only do I now need to like run an extra 5 miles to burn off what I just ate, but now I have a stomach ache.

I really don't know what I was thinking, it was good, but not that good and definitely not worth this feeling. Ack. I guess it's a good thing that it's been so long since I have had sweets like that, that my body isn't used to it.

I'm going to take a nap and hopefully when I wake up I'll feel better and be motivated to do my yoga routine from yesterday that I had to skip (blah) and some cardio.

Drew drove me home today from work and we stopped at a gas station, while I was in there I figured I'd buy some lotto tickets. It's been a few years since I have picked some up so I figured why not.

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