A confused genius

By Lez11

New hobbie

I had a great sleep last night, 9 hours worth. I haven't had 9 hours sleep in total the last 3 nights.

When I woke and looked out my window it was hammering down with rain whereas the last 7 days I've been used to waking up with clear blue sky's and bright sunshine.

Had a loverly roast beef for lunch today round my moms. That is definatly one thing I do miss when I go abroad.

After toying with the idea for a few months I decided to buy me an acoustic guitar and learn to play (pic). I spent 2 hours this afternoon trying to tune my guitar, learn a few chords and just get used to it. I don't think I actually got very far as I struggled to tune it so I'm going to get me an electic tuner to help me.

I don't want to tell anyone about my new hobbie as I want to surprise people when I can play a couple of songs (wonderwall will be 1st one I will learn). If all else fails I can used the guitar as a decoration in my apartment.

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