
By Daystarimages

Faded Glory

Ageing ... It is the result of this thing called time. I am certain that in its youth, this was a very gorgeous flower. Even as I look at the strands of hair that are still left, I can see the feathers of an American Indian still worn in his hair though no longer going out to battle as a warrior, but distinguished still, and proud.

Days gone bye when it was admired for the beauty of its glorious color.

You may have noticed, I have a vivid imagination when it comes to images. I see so many stories that could be told. Today, I went out of the house, though it was windy and damp to see if I could find a photographic piece of art for todays blip. I took about seven shots that I felt I could say something interesting and meaningful. Then came the decision as to which story to tell. This blipping is great as I want many things out of it. What are my thoughts today and what pix to say it with. Trouble is, some days I have to many thoughts and not enough time to get the right shot for the words.

I am thinking of a Kingdom that is eternal, where death is not an option, where all is always glorious and beautiful and exciting and joyful and, and, and. Streets of gold and sapphire and gates of pearls. Enough already.

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