SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Windsor Castle

Saturday at the studio - why is it more difficult to get out of bed for work on a Saturday morning than it is on a weekday?!

Driving into work and it was bucketing down with rain. I wasn't hopeful for the afternoon walk and was filling me with dread as the rain got heavier! I bought a waterproof ski jacket yesterday in the sales for work, so glad I did as I would have got drenched otherwise going from the car to the studio!

As the morning is so busy, I didn't have a chance to look outside. We broke for lunch and then popped out - it was glorious! Blue skies, fluffy white clouds - perfect.

The walk was good - lots of lovely people and great feedback, which was fab.

This image was taken from the bridge over Bray Lake - that is Windsor Castle in the background and the lake in front of it is actually Dorney Lake - where the Olympic Rowing is being held. There is lots of activity going on around the area, so will be great around June time when Olympics are on.

Saturday afternoon consisted of Starbucks with hubby, a power nap (!), making dinner and watching Despicable Me! Probably one of my top 10 films.

Tomorrow - off to Birmingham for Focus On Imaging - actually cannot wait!! Cameras - lens - tripods - bags = kid in a sweet shop and very happy!

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