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By Smelly

Waking the dead!

As I dont take photos I'm finding it hard to publish photos! Tonight I decided I would have to go out to see what I could capture. We first went to Walworth Castle but as I only use my phone to take photos they didn't look too good! On the way home we detoured and I spotted this church all lit up near Croft Spa Hotel. I have to admit I never knew there was a church there! I now know its called St Peters and Lewis Carroll's mother and father are buried here (check me out I've been doing some research lol). When we walked up to the church my hubby told the kids to be quiet or they'd wake the dead but they just laughed and told him not to be stupid lol. When we got bk we watched the new muppets film and I have to admit it was quite good! It's been a good night and now I'm bushed, time for sleep! :-)

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