My quiet space

By JuliaS

Mummy .... my car..... it's gone........

... this is the cry I hear at least 10 times a day and quite often in the night as well.

This is Hari's current favorite car, it's a blue Morgan with a union jack on the roof and it cost 99p from Morrisons .... if only the big ones cost that ;0)

He is surgically attached to this car, and it goes everywhere with us ... and I mean everywhere ..... he even sleeps with it clutched in his hand.

It has been put down in all sorts of places and left for one reason or another, or mislaid only to be found in his coat pocket after total meltdown on his part. I really need to find a couple of replacements just in case, but they no longer have any.......

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

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