Baby Chopsticks

That chemistry test that I took two weeks ago? Kicked it's ass. Second highest grade in the class; 91. Who said organic chemistry is hard? This girl gets it.

Went to the mall with Mac, Rek, and G. Apparently there is a secret floor to the mall that I've never really taken notice too and this awesome clock store was on that floor. Mac is a terrible clock impersonator.

Mandy and Antis joined us afterwards for Chinese food and then the boys ditched us. Mandy and I weren't sure what to do, so we did what we do best; adventured aimlessly. Armed with coffee we drove around aimlessly and around 10 we ended up in Huntington. I showed Mandy my favorite book store where they falsely advertised Jodi Picoults presence. We also drove past Granny's house for giggles, but it was 11pm so I think she was asleep. Mandy dropped me off at home around one making it a grand total of four hours of driving. Didn't really feel like it.

Oh, this is definitely worth mentioning: About two years ago Mac and I convinced Antis that we were cousins. Today, he found out that we weren't. Best long running joke, ever.

"It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
-Corey Givin

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