Flypast - what a marvelous day

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Had a fantastic walk and saw this coot, with the reflection of the mansion and then a duck flew into the picture. There was also a moorhen in the far reeds. Saw buzzards being mobbed by rooks and then watched 3 of them spiralling in a thermal. Saw a kestrel hovering, it stooped and caught a rodent before flying off very low across the field. Found a police message to horse owners whose horses got out onto the road. Watched boy racers scrambling and having enormous fun. Watched ducks landing and found a golden carpet of celandines. Then I happened upon an old lady who was visiting her smallholding - managed to capture 15 of about 20 cats waiting to be fed by her. She thinks most of them then go home for more food as they looked very healthy! Finally found a graffiti party going on in a railway tunnel - ghastly 'music' being played but everyone was high as a kite on the aerosol fumes!

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