A glimmer

Of hope.

Of warmth.

Of anticipation.

Of a new season.

What a flippin' relief.

I think of him as sunshine but Granny calls him Apple - 'cos he is the apple of her eye.

He asked me in the car earlier 'how much would it cost to buy a horse?'. 'What kind of a question is that' I asked. 'A normal one' he replied. I said 'you'll have to be more specific' - so he said 'god, just a normal fit horse you can ride'. Then he said, for the sake of argument 'a black one'.'Anywhere between £100 and £1m' I replied. 'Why can't you just answer the question properly' he retorted. To which I replied 'Because it's a ridiculous question'.

He didn't agree.

So I gave him a ball-park figure of £1,500 for a fit black rideable horse and he was happy.

He reduced me to hysteria.

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