Pixel H

By PixelH

Sunset in Suffolk.... :-)

I'm staying with Laura when I'm working in Cambridge. She's ace for a whole number of reasons. She's de-sensitising (Sp?) me to chilli. I'm leading her astray with the odd glass of wine on a school night. Its the start of a beautiful friendship. :-)

Laura is also starting to understand the needs and requirements of a blipper. On our way home from work today I asked her to pull over so we could tear up a long path after the perfect blip of the sun setting.

We ran and we ran and got to the end of the path just as it dipped behind the rolling, undulating Suffolk hills. I stopped momentarily to snap this on the way though. It was a stunning sunset. I don't think I have done it justice. Anyway, thank you Laura, for being so understanding.

A nice way to end a long day.

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