
By Noonicorn

At last...

I decided to dye my hair back to the lovely purple colour it was over the summer and over Christmas, so I bought some dye at the weekend while I was at my boyfriend Carl's. When me and my friend Vicky finally got around to dying my hair today, all did not go according to plan.

So we put on the dye, which was a feat in itself because my hair is really long and thick, then sat and waited for what seemed like ages for the colour to develop, having washed the dye out, the colour looked about right, but you never can tell with wet hair, so I set to the long and arduous task of drying and straightening it, only to find...
It was exactly the same colour as I started with! That'll teach me for trying to cut cost by buying Superdrug's own brand hair dye.

So we rushed off to Asda, as I was determined to get the right colour. The situation was so bad that we decided to boycott the healthy dessert that Vicky had brought with her and instead opted for a tub of Ben and Jerry's to eat whilst the colour developed.

Several hours later, my hairs now a really pretty red/purple colour, and I'm left with some immortal words from Vicky (she left before I'd dried my hair the second time): "It's got to work this time, second time lucky, and if it doesn't we ain't going back to Asda.

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