i am not looking at you...
...looking at me
it was very clear the princess diva wasn't interested in the black box today... turning her head this way and that - in order to avoid it... at all costs...
it reminded me of school days when i didn't know the answer to a question... i'd look down or turn my head slightly away from the teacher... or glance off in the other direction... in the hope i wouldn't be called upon. did you ever do that? did we think it would work? believe the teacher didn't notice what we were up to or doing... somehow would be blind to our movement however slight it was? because inevitably, i'd be called upon...
such it was with my little princess gracie... she may have tried to avoid the camera - but it captured her precious face... those piercing eyes of hers... there's no getting around it - i tried to explain to her when she first got sick last year... i would be taking more pictures of her... i doubt she appreciates my efforts - although being the diva she is, she hopped up on my shoulder to take a look at the computer screen before i posted - to give final approval, you see. settling into my neck i felt the rumble first - followed by her satisfying purr - it's made for...
happy day.....
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