Well it's Friday again and as usual now for a Friday it's Karate night. That means the camera doesn't get picked up in the evening and I hope for the best during the day that I'll find something worth snapping.
I opened the office window this afternoon and sitting there was a dead wasp and two bees - by the time I picked up the camera there was one bee remaining and of course the wasp - well it's hard to fly away when you're dead......
I only managed as couple of quick close-ups of the bee before it disappeared to but that'll do.
I also saw a lovely Comma butterfly on another window but I didn't have a hope of getting a pic of that one.
Still the weekend is here and I'm really hoping that inspiration strikes......
- 3
- 0
- Fujifilm X10
- 1/100
- f/9.0
- 7mm
- 100
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