
By IzzyK


Empty...Half Full! Be it glasses or life! What a week, WHAT a last two days I've experienced and it really showed up the chasm between the half empty, half full attitude and how it impacts on all those you come in contact with from tiny little minds right through to life's weary soldiers that have seen it all.

It certainly has been a full on week with two very intense days interviewing potential Headteachers for our local primary school. It was an honour and an immensely fascinating process to be involved with from start to finish! It is amazing to think we have picked someone we believe will influence 300+ little minds in our community for years to come, someone that is going to build on the success of our local primary school and bring it through the many changes and challenges it will face in years to come. Seeing the half empty, half full concept working on a strategic, leadership and management level was most inspiring.

Yesterday I hit the hay at 9pm totally exhausted, only to wake up at 2am and not get back to sleep till gone 5am! Not ideal when you need to be on the ball. Was expecting the same tonight but I came home to find most of my 'To Do' list for tomorrow done....my garden totally cleared out, the bombsite that was my home transformed and food and most importantly vino at the ready! I'm too hyper at the shock to go to sleep early, so it's a long soak and possibly the best night's sleep in ages.

My weekend is looking a lot more fun than I'd envisaged, a girl needs nothing more than the best of friends :oD

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