Have a Flower

Planted by my own fair hands. Well, I supervised, Arwen is the one with the green thumb. She loves anything to do with growing plants. So far we have 2 sunflowers on the go, crocuses, daffodils, tulips and some other things that I can't remember the names of. This weekend we have a cactus to get going and some cat mint to sow. Good job I got an extra bag of compost last week :)

Anyway, I thought these would bring a splash of colour to a very grey day. The kist/fog was quite thick this morning and it never really went completely away, despite the sun's best efforts.

It's been a pretty good Friday here, helped out at the school again tis morning and this afternoon, I discovered my Black Stone Cherry tickets had arrived in the post and my sister in law popped over with an ex-display oak coffee table that she got from her work for us. I don't knw which I'm more excited about - the tickets or the coffee table :)

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