Life on Sheep's Head

By OwlLady


Yup! Two Siskins on the bird table today. Delighted! :)

A cold day. Some hazy sunshine, but a nasty SW wind, brrr... Spotted on & around the bird table: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, House Sparrow, Goldfinch (about 15 of them!), Chaffinch (about a zillion, give or take), Greenfinch, Robin, erhmmm...

Well, you get the picture (pardon the pun). The birds are preparing for a cold weekend, apparently. Me? I worked in the greenhouse today. It was really too cold & windy to play in the garden. Oh, and I moved my lovely Gerberas into the greenhouse, too. They were NOT enjoying the wind... :(

Also: 11 years ago today, dear Hubby and I first laid eyes on each other. It was the first day of the rest of my life. *Heart* you, Willem.

Happy Friday, dear all!

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