Bradford - Aldermanbury road

I've blipped this alley behind the shops on Sunbridge road (the alley/road is called Aldermanbury road) in Bradford before, I'm just drawn to the curve, repeated windows & lines of sight leading off into the distance.

If you look carefully you can see a couple having a natter & a ciggy in the bottom left. They are probably discussing the reality documentary 'Make Bradford British' which aired last night on channel 4.

It was hardly in depth & more like tabloid telly (Big Brother crossed with a xenophobic wife swap) than a serious look at the problems of culture clash & ethnic integration in Bradford (& where were the Eastern European community represented?).

The show started with people failing the UK citizenship test as if that told us anything. I think the governments citizenship test is a joke as no one who's completed it that I've spoken to has passed so how a non national is supposed to fair is beyond me. The dry academic questions seem divorced from reality, why not some more relevant things about day to day life in the UK (How do you make Yorkshire puddings?).

Despite this I think the Bradfordians portrayed acted admirably although you could see the Daily Mail banging up against the Koran almost straight away. It also highlighted the differences between interpretations of Islam within Muslim culture when Rashid insisted in praying at the mosque but later saw the benefits of compromise & was willing to pray whilst the group were on an outing in the park.

The Telegraph & Argus coverage today was appalling, rather than addressing the issues raised they went all Daily mail outrage "How can they say we're not British" rather than understanding that a provocative title is par for the course in reality TV (it's always been an appalling paper anyway) & the show is essentially just entertainment!

My favourite quote was the lady who said no matter what your culture/colour "If your a dickhead, your a dickhead!". Least fav quote was the bigoted idiot who said "if a dog is born in a stable you don't call it a horse" blood boiling!

Anyway will see what next week brings, if you watched it what did you think?

As usual I've played around with todays photo with a few apps (Camera+, camera flash & snapseed) to give it a bit more of a vintage feel.

Enjoy your weekend hope your up to something fun & interesting!

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