Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Thinking outside of the box

Why she sits here I do not know. The tension when waiting to be fed is sometimes too much. She tries to look nonchalant but inside I know she is waiting to pounce.

Had a really nice picture of four colleagues at work today but the camera phone let me down for once. Also had pictures of The Boss which he refused to let me use as he said they made him look like a dork.

"And your point is?" I said.

Not that I am speaking to him as the annoying man has handed in his notice. Rats and sinking ships and all that. Insisted on conducting our end of day meeting in the pub. "Oh dear I don't have any money" says he as we are standing at the bar.

I told you he was annoying.

Then had supper and putting the world to rights conversation with another colleague before getting home at 9.00. Felt like a long and tiring day. Still, GP had given me a clean bill of health after I pitched up complaining of chest pains this morning. Mind you she looked about twelve years old and I'm sure that stethoscope had "Early Learning Centre" printed on it.

Fantastic Radio 4 programme about Benjamin Franklin as I was driving into work.

Looking at a two centre holiday in New York and Washington this summer.

I'm rambling. This blip has no inner cohesion. But some days are like that.

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