youngies journey

By youngie66

Ghost Station

Well it was back to Glasgow again today after my early day shift for today's blip and firstly I would like to thank the staff at the Botanic Gardens for helping to facilitate my quest as a railwayman and giving me the code for the access door. I love the history of a bygone era and what remains if any of that time just like my last blip of what was left of the old Third Lanark football stadium so todays blip is of the old subterranean station called Botanic Garden I had to access it via a steep enbankment then some old trackbed which led to a locked steel door over the tunnel portal which then allowed me the 400 yard walk through a pitch black railway tunnel to the other end which allowed me to walk up the platform ramp into the old Botanic Garden station which was last used for passengers in 1939 although trains still ran through here until 1964 I just wished I had brought my flashlight as every drip,creak and noise from pigeons was quite unnerving even though I have accessed other tunnels before but it was a shear pleasure to finally reach my goal to get the photos which had been in the planning for a while now as you can see there is portions of the station which have daylight coming through thankfully, I noticed the iron stairs leading up to the old station entrance were well rotted and also I was surprised by how long the platforms were but you could smell the nostalgia and if you could have seen the enjoyment on my face for chalking another challenge off my list of to do's so this is my blip for today of the old station under the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow so I was well chuffed it was the walk back through the tunnel again that I could feel the adrenaline pumping again but it was well worth it as it is something you dont see every day, the tunnel at the other end which I did not venture into was even darker so maybe another time I might check it out and see if that leads to another ghostly station from the past.

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