Punk Rock Zoologist

By CaptVickHartnel

When not a Punk Rock Zoologist...

...CaptVickHartnell is a roadie, sort of. A little break from my traditional fare today, but I felt this merited a Blip. So my passions may be music and zoology, but to earn the all important bread and honey, I set up the sound and lighting for DJ gigs and concerts at the Eagle Bar at La Trobe Uni.
Tonight, the Powers That Be, in their unlimited wisdom, have decided to have a beach party in the bar (it's 17 degrees, windy and overcast outside) and bring in 2 ton of sand to put in the pit. I'll admit it looks kind of cool there in the dance-pit, but how long are we going to be finding sand in here for I wonder.
Still, my friend is DJing and doing a rather good job, and we've got a couch behind the desk. However, the bartender is wearing a snorkel and mask. Hmmm...

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