
By QuerkyPoo


" BOATS TO THE WATER " is the cry from the 'Officer of the day" when the Christchurch Model Yacht Club (CMYC) sails at Victoria Lake in the centre of the City each Wednesday and Saturday.

The lake was (almost) terminally damaged following the 22 February Quake which killed 185 people - when it was completly emptied of water - both from spilling over the top and a fissue it created on the bottom of the lake - normally around 4-5 feet deep.

The council have been busy bull-dozing and renewing the lakes bottom with a special clay - which today is seeing its refilling at around an inch a day.

Here we see the Club Commodore, Hugh Hobden pondering ( perhaps drooling )
over the possibility of sailing recommencing after 18 months, next Wednesday!!
Here's hoping.

rgds Pooba.

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