In Between Days

By jase


Still haven't found my charger. I need to look harder I think. I have just thought of a place it might be and its right in front of me! Hold on.....

....I'm not making this up...I just found it. In a box at my feet.... seriously. I guess that says a lot about how hard I looked!

Anyway - I didn't have my little camera so I took L's little camera. Why didn't I think of that before? This meant I took a picture at lunchtime and ta da! - an outdoor, day time photo! Apparently 400 isn't a milestone but I thought I'd make an effort. Okay, it wasn't an effort really but I did leave my desk.

This evening, for the first time in a long time, I went for a run. Or maybe I should say jog. I used to call it running but that was a long long time ago. The good news is my knees held up (I have bad knees), and I did some exercise. The bad news is my legs are like jelly, any PS3 exercise benefit was sadly lacking and it was 9pm when I got out. It's always late once tea, kids baths and beds are out of the way. I am toying with the idea of a morning run before work but I'm just not going to get out of bed. We shall see how it goes!

I'm going to charge my little camera battery.

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