Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Whilst the cat's away...

Lucy will play with Eve's toys....
To be very fair,Eve leaves these things at the back of the wardrobe.. anyway rather than let the plastic tat sit untouched Lucy and my Mum set up a 'Littlest petshop' centre and had a merry old time..see how they made a lily pond and taken small stones from next doors drive.Eve has been fine about the intrusion which clearly means that they are not of interest to her any more.
Lucy has perked up today and NOT SHUT UP TALKING.
Mum,myself and Mr W have eaten our body weight in cakes today also egg sandwiches.I am partial to a Bakewell tart so ate two of them.I am also partial to hot cross buns especially M&S luxury ones as the are most juicy and full of fruit,I had to test a couple,all in the name of research you understand.
Tomorrow is world book day and the girls are going dressed as book characters,Eve is dressing as a girl called Gigi who is a 'geek' she says.... and Lucy is going as Judy Moody who is the star of the books of the same name,this is a cunning ploy that Eve uses as Judy Moody wears regular clothes.

This blip is a poor man's version of 'Where's Wally' ... lets play 'where's Lucy' .....

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