
By Regine

Not going anywhere!

So, good news! I got a permanent contract! Must have been yesterdays lucky number 23 and all you guys wishing me good luck! :)

To celebrate this I went home early (because I kept falling asleep during work) for a good night's sleep :) It is unbelievable how tired a person can be, waking up at 05.30 in the morning, second day in a row, doesn't help with that either.. Still don't understand how people do that without dying halfway through the day...

It was rather foggy in Nijmegen when I cycled to the railway station this afternoon, it made everything nice and spooky :)

For this evening I planned a meeting with my couch. Other participants will be the television, a pizza, some chocolate, and maybe a few beers :) We do have something to celebrate after all!

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