Highly Dodgy Result?
First successful attempt at HDR. I mean successful in the sense of reaching a conclusion without killing my computer, rather than producing something better than the sum of its parts.
I was actually down there to take pictures of the flowers (the farmer has left a really long wide strip of land for wildflowers - it was just covered with bees) but once I'd spent all the time on the hdr I had to put it on. Probably not the right subject for the treatment. I think I may leave that experiment for a little while, as I have so much else to work on without getting fancy....
Another flood this morning. Grrrrr.
But WOW that 400m woman's final was exciting! Of course it was on at school pick up time, so I had to do the 'pause live tv' thing and try and chivvy the kids out of the park quicker than normal all the time desperately hoping no-one would know the result and tell me. My daughter (7) has now abandonned all previous career aspirations (flying doctor, rescue helicopter pilot, vet, inventor) and is now going to be a runner. Given that my 3 yr old can nearly beat her, I'm not so sure about this, but who am I to stamp on a dream...
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