Early tulip

This is the first tulip. I would have preferred it without the slug eaten leaves!

The red ones called Red Riding Hood come next.

I've had a busy day digging out perriwinkle (Vinca) from a narrow bed between our house and the neighbours. It's possibly one of the few plants that thrive in such shade but it had to go. Every time I walked past I tripped over the sprawling stems. I doubt I got it all out but at least when any regrows I will be able to go over it again and there's still a bit stuck round the forsythia which I won't be able to get at until I cut it back after flowering. (Kept getting poked in the eye by the branches.)

I ended up doing two runs to the skip with more than 12 bags of the damn plant.

Now it looks a bit bare but I have planted primulas and violas until I decide what to put in - and found a few daffodils under all the growth. Before and afters on facebook.

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