Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In the middle of nowhere..

Ahh to be alive.

What a joy this life is when you have a bicycle, some liberty, lungs that work and enough coin in your pocket for a coffee and a muffin.

I set out this morning with the sole purpose to peddle my merry way around the Fens. Encounter as much in the way of wild life as possible and breath in and out alot, that was the dream for today, one dream fulfilled...Ta..Daaaah!

A steady breeze made the going a little less than simple, but given that there are NO hills around here, it was more than comfortable. I spotted a rabbit, deer, some form of stoat, lots of fowl and a lesser spotted farmer!

After some hours I was getting hungry, coffee shop then. After hours of solitude the town was too noisy and I headed back out. It was then time to go to the gym and work out with my lovely wife.

Once we had beaten ourselves up for an hour or so we headed home. I had some fettling to do on my bikes, something I love to do, and the rest of the afternoon flew by!

What a lovely day!

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