Adventures of Emily Rose

By Emilyrose

Horrible shoes

In ethics, Dingman said she didn't care what we were attracted to; boys, girls, or goats. She's one strange lady.
Carissa came home from class hardly being able to walk because her shoes destroyed her feet. She was very mad and decided to throw them away.
At community service a 4th grader asked me what a keg was. That was probably the most awkward moment ever. Had another 4th grader explain it.
Went to Panera with Matt, Kerry, Julia, and Nicole! After Matt went to go kill Alex and succeeded. I then tried to get Mick, but Connor was his protector and wouldn't let me in the house. I decided to just let Matt get me out so he could get Mick and it worked. The game is almost done and it hasn't even been a day.

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