The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords


Means different things to different people. As you can see from the contents of this shot glass. According to my friend there is a mixed assortment of at least 10 vitamins/ minerals/ herbal supplements... Each one claiming to improve health, beauty and/ or wellbeing.

I can't really talk, since making an appointment to give blood last week (I'm heading in tomorrow) I've been on yucky iron tablets in the hopes I can still donate without showing up as anaemic - Last time they had to stab me with a million (meaning 3) needles to prove it was 'safe' to continue. I doubt the pills will make any difference but it's worth a shot!

Thank you for all the kind (and very helpful) comments regarding yesterday's situation... Using a selection of your suggestions I found the nicest possible way to break the news to Señor L that I'm not interested in any form of relationship. He replied earlier today... The lovely boy was completely understanding and all is right with the world. Can't believe I got so stressed over what I was going to say... Guess it just proves that I'm not the dating type... ;)

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