Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Stop...carry on

The problem with me and ash is that we do not know when to call it a day. We were up and about by half nine with a familiar fuzzy feeling in my head. Think it's called still being drunk.

Had a wander round canary wharf and grabbed a fry up and some string coffee before we made the journey (58 mins) back to Linton.

Now, I am a firm believer in the hair of the dog etc so we went straight to the crown for a pint. That, inevitably, led to lots more and before you know it, we were knocking back jaeger bombs, playing pool for cash in the wagon and extracting jackyp from the fruity.

We even had a brief appearance from the wife who, as ever, fully gets the me and ash thing and understands that a day out often means two!

Finally called it a day after six hours and crawled back to see the fam.

Plenty of memories made yet again and back to reality tomorrow...til the next time!

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