This is not our cat. This is Socks, or Sox. He may be cowering on our kitchen doormat but he lives in a house over the back wall. Next to the doormat is our cat Freddie's food bowl, filled with delicious morsels of meat, or something. Socks, or Sox, only eats dried cat biscuits so is rather partial to a quick snack from Freddie's bowl if he can get away with it. Usually, if we catch Socks, or Sox, sneaking in, he hurtles out the cat flap like greased lightning, but this time he made a big mistake .............

Freddie is just outside the door, waiting.

I almost fell soft, picked Socks up and carried him out the front door, but then he made a run for it, out the flap and over the fence. Freddie sat and watched. It's all just a game.

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