Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Rainy Day Monday

Wasn't keen on leaving the house today as it was raining on and off and I have a bit of a cold at the moment. But I needed to hand deliver a birthday card for my nephew and I also had a couple of items to post.

Took my camera with me but blipping opportunities were nil. When I got back I decided to blip my umbrella as a symbol of the day. It looks creased as its a new brolly.

Cookie didn't care for the weather either as he came here early and was asleep on my bed most of the day. He's not a cat who likes being fussed over and he isn't very affectionate. Its not just me that he has this attitude with - he is the same with his owners. Such an independent little cat who takes you or leaves you as and when he wants. Still its nice to have him around.

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