Evergreen's World

By Evergreengirl


As you can see, I've made a lot of progress on my needlepoint since I first posted a blip of it here. Unfortunately I can't say the same thing about my participation on Blip! There are only so many hours in the day and no matter how much I would like to do so many things, realistically there are only so many that I can actually do! I've enjoyed posting to Blip and meeting new friends in the virtual world and even a few in the real world. Everyone here has been so welcoming and I've enjoyed reading all your comments on my journal. I've truly appreciated your allowing me to see into your world and share some of your thoughts, hopes and deeds.

This will probably be my last post to Blip, at least for the foreseeable future. Spring is almost here and many activities in the real world beckon. I'm wanting more "real" experiences and connections and fewer "virtual" ones. I've been active on Flickr for quite a few years now and I enjoy my interactions with contacts and participation in some groups there. I think that's enough to keep me more than busy! If you would ever like to see my work on Flickr it can be found here:Evergreengirl. I know that some of you also post to Flickr and I hope it's OK with you if I make you a contact there so that I don't miss out on seeing your photos in the future.

Best wishes to everyone, especially those of you who subscribed to my journal. Thanks again and happy Blipping!

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