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By 5strings1

BAHA revisited. (With apologies to Evelyn Waugh)

Today I picked up my new bone anchored hearing aid. WOW. When I had the try out about a month ago, I was amazed about my muchit improved my hearing. With the type 2 diabetes, I suffer from more than my fair share of ear infections, so an externally fitting hearing aid should do the trick. I don't know if any of you can remember a comic characters called Georgie, whose adventures were called Georgie's germs. Apropos of nothing to do with Georgie, I also remember another character who had huge lugs, whose name escapes me. He could hear things miles away. That's how I feel today. Driving back from the hospital I was astounded with the noises the car I have had for four months actually makes. I am looking forward to listening to the evening songs of the Blackbirds and Thrushes.

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