
One of the few that live in my friend Jo's back garden :)

I have had such a fab Monday :) I spent the day with two fab friends, Jo & Angie. They are the mum's of Savannah & Sarah (respectively) who are best friends with Arwen and we have known each other since the girls were in Reception but been proper friends for the last couple of years. We have such a laugh whenever we get together and have spent the majority of the day acting like naughty school children with filthy minds giggling (or should that be cackling?? lol) round Matalan, Next, TK Maxx, Pizza Hut and Jo's living room. Much to the disgust of some stuffy old gits, and some not old either!! Well, apart from when we were in Jo's living room although her cat Willow didn't seem too impressed by all the noise we were making :D So, needless to say, I've been too busy laughing to get any blips and it was just before we were leaving to get the girls that I remembered and dashed outside, nearly breaking my neck falling down the step, to get some chicken pic's.

Oh & I've booked my Black Stone Cherry ticket too - roll on March 11th :D :D

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