Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Two things Lucy likes.....

Jelly beans as supplied by Sammling Fletcher and little bears/or small soft creatures in general...armed with one of my many many MANY table cloths that need a whole house of their own as there are so many and a value priced (£3.00 in Asda) angle poise lamp,200 jelly beans (now about 35) and this little bear I embarked on a journey of wonderment and sugar rush and spinning in circles... BOY ohhhh boy the colouring in those beans makes you off your bloody face.
At present I am watching last nights Oscars.. I have done this since you could record stuff on an old fashioned VHS video machine,then I spend 3 plus hours in a wild wild fury,winding myself up at the cost and the fact they are called 'Stars or worse.. a Genius.. .. ohhh do me a fucking favour,a genius and a star is some one who can try and find a cure for cancer,or someone who works in the slums of Brazil with street kids and no one EVER mentions them...AND what about foster parents who try and make life bearable for abandoned children,any where in the world not just the UK.
Don't you DARE tell me these people who are spoilt and pampered and over paid to do a job that is one they love are STARS...
I know this is the second time I have had this VERY VERY same rant....but it really pisses me off... can you tell ;) ?

Anyway .... have a lovely Monday evening... or to my USA pals... have a smashing afternoon and evening xxx

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