Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

cosmic bowling

At exactly 11PM it seemed as if I was suddenly experiencing some sort of horrific psychedelic flashback from the sixties.

The normal humming flourescent overheads flickered and went out. A pulsing electronica beat shook through the soles of my rented shoes up into my kidneys and brainstem. Laserlight and dancing strobes blinded my dilating pupils, contributing to the sensation of disorientation.

If giant PAC-Men and Space Invaders had suddenly dropped through the ceiling I couldn't have been more surprised.....

For I had entered the universe of " Cosmic Bowling"..

Well if your best game is a 75 and your rented shoes don't fit well, and your 54 year old shoulder and knee aren't screaming at you to give up and have another beer, "Cosmic Bowling" might just be the sport you've been looking for.

A great time was had by all...

Thanks Kids for taking the old folks along....

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