
By mandygf

26/29... time...

...time for another birthday... Stuart's this time, we've had a really relaxing day just spending it as a family, it's been a perfect weekend, wish we had more like this.

This evening Stuart's parents took us out for a birthday meal... we had high tea at the Kinloch Hotel, & we've all come out out stuffed....

Cooper on the otherhand had another accident last night.... when we went shopping I said he could get a small toy... no not my child he chooses a tape measure... a retractable one.... that's all he wanted & yes what you're imagining did happen, he sliced his finger while it was retracting I went cold.... but it was a clean cut & is healing well already, but so much blood out of that little finger.... now he has the bump on his head, a big plaster on his cut finger... & he walked into the car door when I was opening it... he goes on to tell Stuart's parent's the bump on his head is my fault I did it.... I wan't even there I was at work... kids they'll get you in big trouble.....

Rolling Stones... Time is on my side....

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